Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

About PollPool
What exactly is PollPool?
PollPool is the largest online survey-sharing platform that helps students, academics, and startups to find survey respondents quickly and at no cost.
How do I get respondents on PollPool?
It only takes three quick steps to receive responses to your survey:

1) Sign-up on PollPool and upload the link to your existing survey.
2) Add the title, required number of respondents, and optionally the target group of your survey.
3) Earn PollCoins (see below “PollCoins”), for example by filling out other surveys, which will be used to receive answers to your own survey.
Does it cost money to use Pollpool?
No, PollPool is completely free of charge. You can choose to purchase PollCoins, but this is optional.
What is the status system?
Each user has a status that depends on its activity. The more PollCoins a user earns, the higher his status which positively affects the speed by which the user receives the desired amount of responses.
What are PollCoins?
Pollpool uses PollCoins as a currency to define the “value” of a survey. Each survey has a PollCoin value that depends on the approximate time users need to answer them to ensure a transparent and fair exchange system.
Do I need PollCoins?
Yes. You need to earn PollCoins to receive survey responses.
How do I earn PollCoins?
There are four options to earn PollCoins:

I. Answer surveys: Participate in surveys from other PollPool users
II. Recommend Pollpool: Invite new users and like us on social media
III. Invite fellows: Fellows (see below) are users that earn PollCoins for you
IV. Purchase PollCoins: Buy PollCoins in case you are short of time
Do I get free PollCoins for referring new users?
Yes. The amount you receive for each new active user that signs up on PollPool depends on their own activity.
Can I sell or transfer PollCoins?
No, you can not sell or transfer PollCoins among other users. Only Fellows (see below) automatically transfer any PollCoins they earn.
What are Fellows and why are they relevant?
The fellow function is a great way for you to get support from friends and family. You can invite fellows that participate in other surveys and and then transfer their earned PollCoins directly to your account.
What is the difference between Fellows and referred users?
Fellows are people that only sign up on PollPool to support you by “doing your work”, meaning they fill out other surveys so that you receive more PollCoins. Fellows differ from users you referred to PollPool. You also get a PollCoins bonus for them, but these users should be regular PollPool users with their own survey.
Do specific guidelines for surveys exist on PollPool?
Yes. The PollPool guidelines prohibit sharing surveys that have:
- offensive or inappropriate content
- obligatory software download
- multiple or deferred questionnaires
- obligatory e-mail indication
- request of identity information
- non-survey purposes
Can I share two surveys at the same time?
No, this is not possible.
Can I share a time-delayed survey?
No, this is not possible.